Doctoral Consortium IVA 2013: 28th August 2013
Call for Participation
The IVA 2013 Doctoral Consortium will be held on the 28th August 2013. PhD students working in the area of intelligent virtual agents are encouraged to attend. The Doctoral Consortium will enable participants to share experiences, compare approaches, discuss future research problems, and receive feedback from peers and established researchers.
Doctoral Consortium Outline
10.00 | Arrival, poster viewing & coffee |
10.30 | Paper Session 1, feedback from peers and established researchers |
11.30 | Coffee |
11.45 | Paper Writing: tips and hints from the Chair of IVA |
13.00 | Lunch & poster viewing |
14.00 | Paper Session 2 and feedback from peers |
15.00 | Contribution and Impact: how to pitch your research |
15.45 | Coffee |
16.00 | Panel Session & discussion |
17.00 | Finish |
The cost of attending the doctoral consortium is £20.
SICSA (Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance) will be providing financial support towards travel and registration costs up for up to 12 students studying at Scottish Universities.
Submission guidelines and instructions
- Submission deadline: 29th May 2013
- Paper submissions should not exceed 8 pages and in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format. Instructions provided at:
- Submissions must be made as pdf via the EasyChair conference submission system at:
- Notification date: 15th June, 2013
Submissions should be well organized and structured to demonstrate the links between the concepts presented. They should clearly specify the:
- Challenge, problem and/or gap that the participant's research is addressing and how this fits into the bigger picture
- Aims and objectives of the research
- Approach / methodology to achieve the objectives and implementation, including a brief description of work done so far and a tentative plan for future work
- Main contribution of the research to the IVA community
For further questions please contact Further information at: