Sentences: Full set for Keyword Series A
Left-headed keywords | Right-headed keywords |
John THREW the cap to the BED again.
John THREW the captain the BADGE again. John THREW the captaincy BADGE again. | JOHN saw Jessica mend it AGAIN.
JOHN saw Jessie commend it AGAIN. JOHN saw Jess recommend it AGAIN. |
Kate GAVE the sense of the SCRIPT away.
Kate GAVE the censor the SCRIPT again. Kate GAVE the censorship SCRIPT away. | BETH saw Clematis pose it ALL.
BETH saw Clemmie dispose it ALL. BETH saw Clem indispose it ALL. |
Tim KNEW the dog may decline AGAIN.
Tim KNEW the dogma declined AGAIN. Tim KNEW the dogmatist line AGAIN. | I CHECKED in every port for TOM.
I CHECKED the old report for TOM. I CHECKED the misreport for TOM. |
I SAW the fish again TODAY.
I SAW the fissure crack TODAY. I SAW the fisherman TODAY. | GREG let big Oprah juice it ALL.
GREG let Bobbie produce it ALL. GREG let Bob reproduce it ALL. |
I SAW the mace unreclaimed AGAIN.
I SAW the mason reclaimed it ALL. I SAW the masonry cleaned AGAIN. | I LET the dancer pose it TODAY.
I LET the man suppose it TODAY. I LET him presuppose it TODAY. |
Jim LIKES his part no more than MOST.
Jim LIKES his partner more than MOST. Jim LIKES his partnership the MOST. | I SAW Widdicombe pose it AGAIN.
I SAW Jodie compose it AGAIN. I SAW Joe decompose it AGAIN. |
I MADE the spec to collect WOOD.
I MADE the spectre collect WOOD. I MADE the spectacle from WOOD. | I MADE Burgundy send to them ALL.
I MADE Megan descend to them ALL. I MADE May condescend to them ALL. |
I HEARD the ten denied AGAIN.
I HEARD the tendon go AGAIN. I HEARD the tendency TODAY. | You MUST continue main treatment NOW.
You MUST maintain humane treatment NOW. You MUST cease inhumane treatment NOW. |
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