Lessac Technologies, Inc. voice release for Blizzard 2011
These data were made available to registered participants in the Blizzard Challenge 2011 and are now available generally.Speech data
This data is released under a license for non-commercial use only. Read and accept the license. Once we have received your registration and your license, we will email you a password. All requests are manually checked.
Information about the speaker
The speaker is Nancy Krebs, who is a professional voice coach. She has a US English accent.- The Voice Works, Nancy Krebs' voice training and coaching company
- Lessac Technologies Inc.
- The Lessac Institute
The data comprises:- 16k prompts in wave file format
- pitch marks for 16k wave files
- prompts in text format
- automated label files in Lesseme format (a prosodic phoneme set of 800+ labels), as produced by the Lessac front-end, including segmentation boundaries
- corrected labels (i.e. for a few labels, the correct Lesseme label is different than that produced by the Front-end due to Front-end issues or Voice actor issues ) - these may or may not be useful to participants
- Lesseme descriptions and a mapping description to go from Lessemes to other phoneme sets
- original unsplit full fidelity wave files (one studio session was at 44.1K, the rest at 96K)
- wavn.tgz - Tarred archive of the prompts in the Nancy corpus, at 16KHz sampling rate, with each file name as used in the Nancy corpus.
- Nancy3AsciiPitchmarkers.zip - Zipped set of files with pitch marks in ascii format. The header in each file describes the format.
- prompts.data - File with all of the prompt texts in filename order.
- corrected.gui - File with all of the prompts in Lesseme labeled format in the order of the Nancy corpus as originally recorded, after some labels produced by the Lessac Front-end were corrected to reflect what the voice actor actually said.
- uncorrected.gui - File with all of the prompts in Lesseme labeled format in the order of the Nancy corpus as produced by the Lessac Front-end from the prompts.data file without correction to the labels for what the voice actor actually said.
- lab.ssil.zip - Zipped set of files with Lesseme labels that include the result of automated segmentation of the Lesseme labels in the corrected.gui file before the ssil label is collapsed into the preceding or following label.
- lab.zip - Zipped set of files with Lesseme labels that include the result of automated segmentation of the labels in the corrected.gui file after the ssil label is collapsed into the preceding or following label.
- Lessemes.zip - Zipped set of files with descriptions of the Lesseme labeling methodology.
- NancyCorpusToArchiveMap.xls - Mapping of the Nancy Corpus filenames to the file recording order used in the sound studio reflected in the two Archive zip files. Please note there are two prompt files missing from the archive, and one duplicate. Each is noted and explained in the Exceptions column.
- 96k_wav_part_[1-4].tar.bz2 - the original studio recordings at 96KHz, with each prompt separated by a pure tone, and named sequentially
- 44k_wav.tar.bz2 - the original studio recordings downsampled to 44.1KHz, with each prompt separated by a pure tone, and named sequentially.
dd633a50bc40c690e89dafa9a2c2769a 44k_wav.tar.bz2 1ce493db881fd50fc1006e8c51fd527d 96k_wav_part_1.tar.bz2 bb32ae158aa97a3e39c50f7811f425bf 96k_wav_part_2.tar.bz2 6007ce1b5b186cad0740155f533fd5ab 96k_wav_part_3.tar.bz2 be322bace2e19c2bd08376b78023fb39 96k_wav_part_4.tar.bz2 ec2bbd518751cb350680b66833e61411 corrected.gui 0a4860a69bca56d7e9f8170306ff3709 lab.ssil.zip aeae7916d881a8eef255a6fe05e77e77 lab.zip e5c8afeaa8c6517e9980268dc2705ad7 Lessemes.zip 292157e81dbc93944bbcf5b1ae61f638 Nancy3AsciiPitchmarkers.zip 9e91f5076c3cb6246e9881ceb7581d21 NancyCorpusToArchiveMap.xls 650b44f7252aed564d190b76a98cb490 prompts.data a370e4715e95b227503f371ecfd1a518 uncorrected.gui bb2a80dd1423f87ba12d2074af8e7a3f wavn.tgzand the sizes of the large files are:
3.8G 44k_wav.tar.bz2 5.3G 96k_wav_part_1.tar.bz2 4.6G 96k_wav_part_2.tar.bz2 3.9G 96k_wav_part_3.tar.bz2 3.9G 96k_wav_part_4.tar.bz2 1.6G wavn.tgz
Front end
Lessac Technologies Inc. have made their front end available via the internet. Some notes on usage and restrictions can be found in the file lessac_front_end_instructions.html which is available after you obtain a license for the data.Contact Simon King for more details.