The Centre for Speech Technology Research, The university of Edinburgh

Phonetic Arts voice release for Blizzard 2010

These data are available only to registered participants in the Blizzard Challenge 2010.

Speech data


This data is released under a license for non-commercial use only. To download, first read and accept the license. Once we have received your license, we will email you a password.


The following files are available to download from here:


This data is released under a license for non-commercial use only. The use of the labels is optional: they are provided only for your convenience. The labels are in the form of standard Festival utterances, obtained using the multisyn voice building tools. In order to obtain these labels, you need to agree to the Unisyn lexicon license terms, since the labels originate from the pronunciations generated by this lexicon. First read and accept the Unisyn lexicon license. Once we have received your license, we will email you a password.


The following files are available to download from here:

Development data, tools, benchmark voices

Several items are available for use by participants during development of their voice. These include the 2009 test sentences synthesised by this year's benchmark voices. Since these items depend on the Unisyn lexicon, they are only available to participants who have agreed to the Unisyn lexicon license, as for the labels above.


The following files are available to download from here:

Test sentences

Start here

Contact Simon King for more details.