J. Cabral, S. Renals, K. Richmond, and J. Yamagishi.
HMM-based speech synthesis with an acoustic glottal source model.
In The First Young Researchers Workshop in Speech Technology,
April 2009.
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Martin I. Tietze, Andi Winterboer, and Johanna D. Moore.
The effect of linguistic devices in information presentation messages
on recall and comprehension.
In Proceedings ENLG09, 2009.
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Z. Ling, K. Richmond, J. Yamagishi, and R. Wang.
Integrating articulatory features into HMM-based parametric speech
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,
Accepted for publication.
[ bib ]
Tanja Kocjancic.
Ultrasound investigation of tongue movements in syllables with
different onset structure.
In Proc. of the Eighth International Seminar on Speech
Production (ISSP), December 2008.
[ bib |
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I. Steiner and K. Richmond.
Generating gestural timing from EMA data using articulatory
In Proc. 8th International Seminar on Speech Production,
Strasbourg, France, December 2008.
[ bib ]
Javier Tejedor, Dong Wang, Joe Frankel, Simon King, and José Colás.
A comparison of grapheme and phoneme-based units for Spanish spoken
term detection.
Speech Communication, 50(11-12):980-991, November-December
[ bib |
Zhen-Hua Ling, Korin Richmond, Junichi Yamagishi, and Ren-Hua Wang.
Articulatory control of HMM-based parametric speech synthesis
driven by phonetic knowledge.
In Proc. Interspeech, pages 573-576, Brisbane, Australia,
September 2008.
[ bib |
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Martin Tietze, Vera Demberg, and Johanna D. Moore.
Syntactic complexity induces explicit grounding in the MapTask
In Proc. Interspeech, September 2008.
[ bib |
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Junichi Yamagishi, Zhenhua Ling, and Simon King.
Robustness of hmm-based speech synthesis.
In Proc. Interspeech 2008, pages 581-584, Brisbane, Australia,
September 2008.
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C. Qin, M. Carreira-Perpiñán, K. Richmond, A. Wrench, and S. Renals.
Predicting tongue shapes from a few landmark locations.
In Proc. Interspeech, pages 2306-2309, Brisbane, Australia,
September 2008.
[ bib |
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Dong Wang, Ivan Himawan, Joe Frankel, and Simon King.
A posterior approach for microphone array based speech recognition.
In Proc. Interspeech, pages 996-999, September 2008.
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J. Cabral, S. Renals, K. Richmond, and J. Yamagishi.
Glottal spectral separation for parametric speech synthesis.
In Proc. Interspeech, pages 1829-1832, Brisbane, Australia,
September 2008.
[ bib |
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Joe Frankel, Dong Wang, and Simon King.
Growing bottleneck features for tandem ASR.
In Proc. Interspeech, page 1549, September 2008.
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Tanja Kocjancic.
Tongue movement and syllable onset complexity: ultrasound study.
In Proc. of ISCA Experimental Linguistics ExLing 2008, August
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Dong Wang, Joe Frankel, Javier Tejedor, and Simon King.
A comparison of phone and grapheme-based spoken term detection.
In Proc. ICASSP, pages 4969-4972, March-April 2008.
[ bib |
Marko Liker, Damir Horga, and Ines Safaric.
Koartikulacijski pritisak i koartikulacijski otpor: ultrazvucno
istrazivanje (coarticulatory pressure and coarticulatory resistance: an
ultrasound study).
Govor/Speech, 25(2):171-188, 2008.
[ bib ]
Junichi Yamagishi, Takashi Nose, Zhen-Hua Ling, Heiga Zen, Tomoki Toda, Keiichi
Tokuda, Simon King, and Steve Renals.
Robust speaker-adaptive HMM-based text-to-speech synthesis.
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,
In review.
[ bib ]
J. Sebastian Andersson, Leonardo Badino, Oliver S. Watts, and Matthew P.Aylett.
The CSTR/Cereproc Blizzard entry 2008: The inconvenient data.
In Proc. Blizzard Challenge Workshop (in Proc. Interspeech
2008), Brisbane, Australia, 2008.
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Matthew P. Aylett, J. Sebastian Andersson, Leonardo Badino, and Christopher J.
The Cerevoice Blizzard entry 2007: Are small database errors
worse than compression artifacts?
In Proc. Blizzard Challenge Workshop 2007, Bonn, Germany, 2007.
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J. Cabral, S. Renals, K. Richmond, and J. Yamagishi.
Towards an improved modeling of the glottal source in statistical
parametric speech synthesis.
In Proc.of the 6th ISCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Bonn,
Germany, 2007.
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