The Centre for Speech Technology Research, The university of Edinburgh

Sentences: Full set for Keyword Series A

The full set of experimental sentences for Keyword Series A: utterance-medial; fixed utterance length; variable word length. Keywords are shown in bold; the words to be emphasized in the unaccented keyword condition are shown in block capitals.
Left-headed keywordsRight-headed keywords
John THREW the cap to the BED again.
John THREW the captain the BADGE again.
John THREW the captaincy BADGE again.
JOHN saw Jessica mend it AGAIN.
JOHN saw Jessie commend it AGAIN.
JOHN saw Jess recommend it AGAIN.
Kate GAVE the sense of the SCRIPT away.
Kate GAVE the censor the SCRIPT again.
Kate GAVE the censorship SCRIPT away.
BETH saw Clematis pose it ALL.
BETH saw Clemmie dispose it ALL.
BETH saw Clem indispose it ALL.
Tim KNEW the dog may decline AGAIN.
Tim KNEW the dogma declined AGAIN.
Tim KNEW the dogmatist line AGAIN.
I CHECKED in every port for TOM.
I CHECKED the old report for TOM.
I CHECKED the misreport for TOM.
I SAW the fish again TODAY.
I SAW the fissure crack TODAY.
I SAW the fisherman TODAY.
GREG let big Oprah juice it ALL.
GREG let Bobbie produce it ALL.
GREG let Bob reproduce it ALL.
I SAW the mace unreclaimed AGAIN.
I SAW the mason reclaimed it ALL.
I SAW the masonry cleaned AGAIN.
I LET the dancer pose it TODAY.
I LET the man suppose it TODAY.
I LET him presuppose it TODAY.
Jim LIKES his part no more than MOST.
Jim LIKES his partner more than MOST.
Jim LIKES his partnership the MOST.
I SAW Widdicombe pose it AGAIN.
I SAW Jodie compose it AGAIN.
I SAW Joe decompose it AGAIN.
I MADE the spec to collect WOOD.
I MADE the spectre collect WOOD.
I MADE the spectacle from WOOD.
I MADE Burgundy send to them ALL.
I MADE Megan descend to them ALL.
I MADE May condescend to them ALL.
I HEARD the ten denied AGAIN.
I HEARD the tendon go AGAIN.
I HEARD the tendency TODAY.
You MUST continue main treatment NOW.
You MUST maintain humane treatment NOW.
You MUST cease inhumane treatment NOW.

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