The Centre for Speech Technology Research, The university of Edinburgh

07 May 2002

Bob Ladd

Partial similarity and quasi-contrast in phonology

This talk will briefly sketch the thesis I intend to present at LabPhon 8 in June, but it is not a dry run of the talk itself - I intend to do that at Ling. Circle in June. Instead, I want to go into a little more background on a couple of the empirial problems I've been thinking about in connection with the LabPhon talk, specifically (a) "partial similarity" (looking at different ways in which phones (or phonemes) can be related to each other), and (b) "quasi-contrast" (a sub-case of (a), actually, concentrating on the mid-vowels in Italian). The talk will be extremely preliminary and I hope that there will be as much discussion as actual presentation.

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